G E O S C I E N C E / P E T R O P H Y S I C S
Petro Data Integration is an international petrophysics/geoscience consulting firm specializing in upstream oil and gas development. We believe that proper business decisions are made through timely analysis and integration of geoscience, engineering and economic data. Our professionals and associates are highly experienced in the industry including exploration, production and
operations. Petro Data Integration is an international petrophysics/geoscience consulting firm specializing in upstream oil and gas development. We believe that proper business decisions are made through timely analysis and integration of geoscience, engineering and economic data. Our professionals and associates are highly experienced in the industry including exploration, production and operations. Additionally, we are well cross-trained in a number of technical specialties including: geology, geophysics and petrophysics. The high degree of cross-training allows us to recognize the key risks associated with any project. We can then focus our efforts on designing work programs and quickly integrating the most important data within the client time frames. Moreover, it allows us to better manage data and personnel with different technical backgrounds.
We have experience with large projects in the following locations:

© Petro Data Integration – A petrophysical/geoscience consulting firm specializing in international upstream oil and gas development located in Denver, Colorado.